Pros and Cons of Relocation During Different Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Moving

What is the best time to move: winter, spring summer or fall? Choosing when to relocate and scheduling the professional movers is not always your choice. Know the pros and cons for relocating during each season of the year.

Winter Pros and Cons

Winter-time moves are often less expensive because they are not peak times to move, but freezing temperatures and hazardous weather conditions can cause problems. Ice and snow are not only a potential problem for drivers, but for movers losing their footing while loading and unloading your household goods. Prepare items for freezing temperatures during storage in transit, especially if you are moving from one extreme climate to another as freezing and thawing in some household items can cause damage. There are several winter holidays to consider as well. While it may be easier on your family to move during a holiday break from school or work, others are busy celebrating with parties and family gatherings that you may have to forfeit because of your move.

Spring Pros and Cons

Springtime is one of the peak months to move because schools are at the end of their scholastic year and the weather is generally good. Expect the overall cost to be higher. Also, plan ahead of time to be sure you get a moving truck when you need it as they are in higher demand during the spring. Spring weather, however, is a definite plus except for potential excessive rain fall and even storms that contain tornados or lightning that could bring power outages.

Summer Pros and Cons

The upside to summer moves is that that children are out of school. It may seem as if the weather of summer provides the ideal situation for moving, but do consider issues that arise because of excessive heat such as household items melting or becoming damaged from heat. If you do it yourself with friends and family helping, be sure to have plenty of water and ice on hand to keep helpers hydrated and cool. One possible downside is that summer is considered one of the peak times to move, so professional movers may not be available when you want to schedule them and the costs are typically higher. Another consideration is that companies often replace professional full-time movers with part-time students during the summer.

Fall Pros and Cons

In terms of weather, the fall is one of the ideal seasons in which to move. It is also considered an off season, so prices are generally cheaper. Even so, plan your move during the weekday instead of weekend to save even more.

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